Winton Guest House. Photo: © Grant
Mudford Los Angeles CA.

Gehry's housing designs from the early to mid-1980s
appear as groupings of separate, interrelated parts.
Such a physical change makes apparent the architect's
evolving desire to reduce a building to its most
essential components. This change from his earlier
unified structures is underlined by his unbuilt
addition to a Los Angeles home he first designed in
195859, the Steeves Residence, which was
redesigned for the Smith family in 1981. In the Smith
addition, a collection of attached but disjointed
buildings are juxtaposed around a veranda that
connects to the original low-lying structure that was
inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture and the
simplicity of Japanese design.
Gehry's new approach also reveals his desire to
enliven the monotony frequent among large housing
developments. The unbuilt Tract House (1982)
separates the rooms of the ubiquitous housing type
into distinct geometric elements and directly
inspired the Schnabel Residence (198689),
located in an elite Los Angeles neighborhood on a
relatively undistinguished plot of land. Drawing upon
myriad historical influences and visual impressions,
the Schnabel structure is more reminiscent of a
scattered village than of an ordered residential
compound, with its architectural variations
invigorating and seemingly expanding the lot size.
The sculptural quality of this arrangement reaches an
apogee in the configuration of the Winton Guest House
(198387) in Wayzata, Minnesota, in which
square, wedge, and cone-shaped buildings contain
individual rooms of the guest addition and appear as
an absorbing still-life tableau when viewed from the
main house.