Photo by Whit Preston, courtesy of Frank O.
Gehry & Associates.

Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 1997
Housing a performance theater and small teaching
theater on the Hudson Valley campus of Bard College,
the Performing Arts Center references the continuum
of Gehry's previous work. The design employs the
undulating forms and reflective surfaces typical of
the architect's recent large-scale projects. A
dramatic canopy, formed of a layer of brushed
stainless steel, shelters the entrance to the main
theater, while soft billows of steel wrap around the
exterior of the entryway. The smaller theater is also
roofed in curved brushed steel.
Despite these artistic flourishes, which visually
mark the building as a cultural hub for the campus,
the structure is appropriately humble in other
aspects of its design. Covering the building in
plaster and concrete, Gehry revisited his early
emphasis on simple materials and his ongoing interest
in obtaining an unfinished aesthetic is captured in
the exposed support system of the spectacular canopy,
which is visible from inside the lobby and beneath
the canopy itself. The center's simple construction
and intimate size create a sensibility that is
entirely fitting to the campus and its rural