FREE with Admission
A self-guided audio tour is available, sharing perspectives on select key works from Zaha Hadid. Also, the newly available Director’s Pick provides interesting insights into masterpieces from our world-renowned permanent collection. Produced by Antenna Audio.
Listen to Samples
Zaha Hadid Audio Samples
Intro to Early Career
Director's Pick Audio Sample
Jackson Pollock, (Untitled, Green Silver), ca. 1949
Samples are in QuickTime mp3 format. You can listen through your browser provided the QuickTime plug-in is installed, or you can download and listen to them using your preferred mp3 audio application. Click to listen, or right click to save. To download QuickTime Player, go to:
NEW! Visit the Guggenheim Podcasts page to download an audio file about the exterior restoration.
Architectural conservators and engineers provide insights on the exterior restoration process. Director Lisa Dennison and architect Zaha Hadid share their thoughts and admiration for Frank Lloyd Wright's revolutionary design for the museum.

ABOVE: BMW Plant Central Building, Leipzig, Germany, 2001–06. Photo: Hélène Binet